Thursday, March 22, 2012

free stuff to win

Hi, This is just a short post because I thought you might enjoy the chance to get free stuff. Rachelle Christensen has a new book coming out today, Caller ID. I haven't read it but I have read two of her earlier books. Judging from them, I'm sure I'll enjoy this one.

Here's the deal. This offer is only good for today, March 22 because she is trying to get as many copies sold today as she can so she can break the top 100 list on Amazon. That will help her book get a spot where she will be noticed. Just buying her book will get you all the free stuff. There are a lot of e-books, etc. Even if you don't have an e-reader, you can download Kindle for free on your computer.

Here is the location to cut and paste to read about the free giveaway

Here is the location to cut and paste to read a review -

I will also forward a blog talking about it.

Hope you win!